Postpartum fitness after baby #2

I’m a mixture of excited, nervous, and relieved. Tomorrow I’m starting my first fitness program since having Arielle! I spent the afternoon today studying the meal plan, making a shopping list, and picking up everything I’ll need to stay on track this week! 

I’m starting about the same size as I was after having Ziva, but I’m starting at 6 weeks instead of 6 months this time, and I now know I have the resources to get the job done:

✨Beachbody on-demand & DVD programs

✨Nutrition & portion control meal plans

✨Challenge groups & Coaches for support

✨Plenty of motivation and discipline

I know this could take a while, especially since my top priority is keeping my breastmilk supply up (despite popular belief, breastfeeding does NOT melt away the lbs for everyone).

What am I starting with? The 3 week Yoga Retreat! (Why is there no yogi emoji??)

I figured this would be a great way to ease into my postpartum fitness. I’ll be focusing first on flexibility, strength, and balance in low impact daily workouts. I do hope to lose some of the extra “fluff” I picked up while pregnant with Ari, but mostly I’m hoping to ramp up my momentum and physical capacity to take on whatever program comes next! 

So, get ready for my fitness and nutrition posts to start up again… now! Seriously, I find it motivating to watch other people on their journeys, and sharing with you all keeps me on track. So I can’t stop, won’t stop. 😉😘

Making a commitment to health


I have a long history as what you would call a yo-yo dieter. Since my early twenties I’ve bounced back and forth, using diets and different fitness classes (Cardio kickboxing, Bikram, Pure Barre). I would lose a lot of weight, sometimes nearly reaching my goals! But, of course, overtime I’d fall right back into bad habits and I’d inevitably gain it all back (plus some). I’d move away from my gym, change schedules, start having a few too many “cheat days”… and just like that I’d be back at square one.

I eat pretty healthy. Throughout most of my life I’ve avoided junk foods and empty calories. I grew up eating clean, I just didn’t grow up eating carefully. I know what portions SHOULD look like meal to meal, but I enacting that discipline every day and at every meal just didn’t come naturally. You really CAN have too much avocado, brown rice, and nuts.

When I gave birth to my daughter in February of this year, I’d reached my absolute biggest. Sure, I was pregnant, but only a bit of it would be considered baby weight. I was shocked and disappointed my body had gotten out of control so quickly. How could I have gone from goal weight to my biggest in just a year and a half? I knew I needed to take charge of my health.

See, the thing is that I have always focused on just one side of my fitness at a time. I’d have the exercise routine down but not the eating, or the other way around.

Now that I’m a mom, how was I going to get the exercise and nutrition I needed for success now that I had EVEN LESS time? I can’t get to a gym when I only have a few hours each evening with Ziva! I already know as soon as it’s cold out I’ll stop heading to even the gym in our complex right here at home…

I knew it would have to be something simple, easy to follow, CONSISTENT, and that I could do at home.

I knew it had to be Beachbody.

I’ve seen this program change people’s lives, and I wanted in on that magic.

Sure, I might be late to the party, but I’ve been watching women I admire take charge of their lives both physically and financially over the last few years. I’m inspired by people like my Cousin Jen, and Amy Silverman (top beachbody coach and adventurer).

I started following the meal plan a couple of weeks ago and found it really manageable, and I’m in my first cycle of the 21 day fix and I’m loving it. Sure, I’ve done online workouts with the Tone It Up! girls and Blogilates in the past and I loved them, but being part of a private challenge group, having a team of people to be accountable to, and a structure to follow motivates me.

I lost the first 30 lbs of baby weight on my own, but in the last few weeks with beachbody I’ve lost 9 1/2 pounds. I was able to break through my plateau. It’s Not a lot, I know, but this is just the beginning. 

Pounds aren’t what it’s all about. I’ve regained confidence in my body and my abilities. Sure, I pushed out a 7 lb baby sans medication, I know my body is some legit warrior material, but I had lost mobility, comfort, and confidence in movement. I’ve only been doing the workouts consistently for a week, but I’ve already regained some of my strength and mobility. I feel free. Free to move, dance, climb, free to move like I have ownership of the body I had let get out of control.

This isn’t about weight, I think there’s beauty in every size.

This isn’t about being “beachbody ready”. This is about living my life free from limitations, with strength, mobility, and energy. 

Fitness may not have always come naturally to me, but MOTIVATION and DEDICATION always have. With a path to follow, I can get where I want to go.

Want to join me in making a commitment to health? I can help you find your path on your fitness journey, help keep you on that path (even when there seems to be NO TIME and NO MOTIVATION). Let’s get on this road together!

Leave me a comment here, send me a facebook message, or go to my page here if you are interested in learning more. I’d love to see some of the people I love join me on this journey.

My Favorite Home Workout Resources


Top left: Tone it up. Top right: Blogilates. Bottom left: Beachbody 21 day fix. Bottome right: bodyrocktv.
Top left: Tone it up. Top right: Blogilates. Bottom left: Beachbody 21 day fix. Bottome right: bodyrocktv.

After a long day at work away from my baby the last thing I want to do is take more time away from her to go to the gym. I know some people may feel differently, they’re just dying for a little “me” time away, but Ziva is still so young and I want to be home with her as much as possible. BUT, I still want to be a good example for her of self-care and fitness. For years I’ve followed a few of these online resources:

I would get into it for a while and then fall off the wagon. I needed something with a bit more accountability, a bit more human interaction and support. I’ve recently started using Beachbody products and I’m loving the challenge groups and the way my coach (who is also still on her fitness journey) checks in with me and helps keep me on the right path with healthy, clean eating and working out. So, now my new favorite-

I’m definitely drinking the cool aide (if by cool aide you mean protein shakes full of vitamins and healthy ingredients). I’ve found new motivation to press play each night once I get Ziva to bed. It took a while to figure out when exactly I could fit in a workout, but now that I have I’m feeling, and seeing the results.

For more online/at-home workout resources, check out this comprehensive list from Huffington Post- 

What are your favorite at home or online workout resources?