It Won’t Be Like This For Long

*I wrote this post back in 2015 when my oldest, Ziva, was a newborn. I never posted it because it felt cliche telling people “you’re gonna miss this” etc. that’s the last thing a mom struggling with baby blues or who is not into the newborn phase wants to hear. I just came across this post wasting away in my drafts folder and it struck me how much it is still true for me. It brought me to tears remembering how intensely I savored each moment of the early days as a mama. Even with baby number 2 I was too busy and distracted to fully indulge in those early days of drowsy couch nursing sessions and staring endlessly at the new life in my arms. I cry a little out of sadness for myself and Arielle that we didn’t get as much focused time together, and a little because the memory of the feelings in the early days of motherhood are still so strong- and true in each phase we’ve entered since. It all just goes too darn fast.

Even the hard parts of each stage just remind me how fast they are growing and changing, and how soon they won’t be my little babies anymore. Oh gosh, here come the waterworks again! Arielle is already 5 months old today and Ziva is 2 and a half. our newborn days may or may not be behind us forever now… so now more than ever I feel the truth in these words I wrote 2 and a half years ago. It’s okay if you’re not feeling the same way about newbornhood, but I know some mamas out there can appreciate these sentiments!


May 12, 2015

For some people the newborn phase can be pretty grueling. While I was pregnant I was preparing myself for the sleep deprivation, difficult crying sessions and all of the challenges of being a new mommy to a brand new little girl. But instead of finding myself wishing away our newborn days, I’ve found that I absolutely love it. If you aren’t feeling the same, don’t hate me, just hear me out.

Sure, I’m tired… I smell like spit-up (bile and sour milk), I’m pretty sure I have spit-up in my hair more often than not. I’m sweating from the heat of her little body constantly pressed up against mine. My wrist sometimes feels like it’s going to get stuck in one position from being squashed under her little head during long nursing and nap sessions. I can’t fit in most of my clothes still and I definitely am not feeling pretty. So, what has possessed my over-tired brain to make an outrageous declaration of love for this phase?

It’s going to be gone before I know it, in the blink of an eye I’ll be back at work missing these moments with a fierce nostalgia and love.

Postpartum fitness after baby #2

I’m a mixture of excited, nervous, and relieved. Tomorrow I’m starting my first fitness program since having Arielle! I spent the afternoon today studying the meal plan, making a shopping list, and picking up everything I’ll need to stay on track this week! 

I’m starting about the same size as I was after having Ziva, but I’m starting at 6 weeks instead of 6 months this time, and I now know I have the resources to get the job done:

✨Beachbody on-demand & DVD programs

✨Nutrition & portion control meal plans

✨Challenge groups & Coaches for support

✨Plenty of motivation and discipline

I know this could take a while, especially since my top priority is keeping my breastmilk supply up (despite popular belief, breastfeeding does NOT melt away the lbs for everyone).

What am I starting with? The 3 week Yoga Retreat! (Why is there no yogi emoji??)

I figured this would be a great way to ease into my postpartum fitness. I’ll be focusing first on flexibility, strength, and balance in low impact daily workouts. I do hope to lose some of the extra “fluff” I picked up while pregnant with Ari, but mostly I’m hoping to ramp up my momentum and physical capacity to take on whatever program comes next! 

So, get ready for my fitness and nutrition posts to start up again… now! Seriously, I find it motivating to watch other people on their journeys, and sharing with you all keeps me on track. So I can’t stop, won’t stop. 😉😘

Looking Ahead 2016


First, Looking back

2015. Wow, what a year. It’s probably obvious what made my year. Becoming Ziva Pearl’s mother is the most amazing, fulfilling, joy inducing experience I could have ever imagined. Seriously. Don’t hate me for saying it, but I’m in love with this mommy gig. We have had our rough patches, but nothing a little mama-snuggling and troubleshooting couldn’t fix (thank you nipple shield). She brings me so much joy and is such a happy baby. I feel lucky I get to be her mom.

2016 is going to have to work extra hard to top this year! That’s okay though cause I have big plans. 😉

2015 was all about our journey as new parents, and my guess is every year of parenthood is a new learning process with curve balls and triumphs, so why should we expect anything less in 2016?!

Looking Inward

In the hustle and bustle of parenthood, I want to make 2016 a year for retrofitting and reinforcing the walls that make up my personal foundation. My goal is to rebuild my sense of self now that I’m a mom. It’s funny how much my perspective, style, and focus has shifted in such a short time! I don’t want to be that mom hiding from the camera and absent from the family album. I want to be a confident, healthy, and active role model for Ziva as she gets older and I’m willing to do the work to make that happen.

Looking ahead together

As a family, 2016 is going to be another year of big change… Nope! We aren’t pregnant with #2. We are, however, preparing to make the big move to my home state of CALIFORNIA! The details are still in the works, but by summer of 2016 the little Lubetsky family of Ann Arbor will be heading west!

The “Right Time”

Do Something

Once when I was complaining about my weight and my body to a friend back in my early 20’s that friend said something that struck a chord in me. She responded “If you really wanted to do something about it you would. It’s not impossible.” She meant it as a “shut up or do something” statement I’m sure. How annoying would it be to listen to a friend always make self-deprecating comments about their body?

At first I was hurt “She doesn’t understand it’s not as easy for me!” And, “but I do really want to do something about it…” But then it really got me thinking. For a smart girl I feel really silly that it had never really occurred to me that I could LEARN how to get fit. I only knew vaguely about calories and really knew nothing about how much fat, calories, etc. were appropriate for my body and activity level. I grew up in a healthy foods type of home. We didn’t eat a ton of sugary processed foods. I got Eden soy milk boxes in my lunches and we had vegetables and whole grains in abundance, but I didn’t learn about healthy portions or nutritional balance.

I had always felt like an active, athletic person stuck in the wrong body. Like something went wrong along the way and I wasn’t supposed to be so out of shape. So, the idea that I could do something about how my body felt was inspiring, though incredibly obvious looking back now. It wasn’t about blaming me for how I got to where I was, it was about empowering me to feel a sense of control over my situation. I really could do something about it, it might not be easy, but it is/was possible. It’s taken a number of years, stops and starts to finally get a handle on the “how,” but knowing I can has helped me stay on the journey.

Making now the “Right time”

I’ve had a number of friends contact me who are interested in the Beachbody programs. Some are totally ready to go and jump right in with the 21 day fix, but there are many who decide they aren’t ready or “it isn’t a good time right now.” That’s legitimate. You really do have to be ready to do the work for these programs, or any programs to really be effective. But, I also have to ask “When will it be a good time? Can you define what will be different in the future that would make that the right time, rather than now? Perhaps the reason right now isn’t a good time is still going to be an issue a month from now, or a year.”

Waiting for the right time may end up an endless cycle of wishing you’d already started. I watched a Beachbody coach on social media for over a year before I jumped in, and you know what? I wish I hadn’t waited. I have LESS time now than I did when I first found the programs. I am MORE exhausted than I was before I had Ziva. If I was using my old system of judgment, now wouldn’t look at all like the “right time”. The thing is, I decided to make it the right time. I decided this journey is my priority right now, along with my job and family responsibilities.

Caring for myself and working towards my goals doesn’t need a magical start date in some elusive future when life is easier. It needs to start now, so that I feel good, have energy and stamina for all that life throws my way. Now is the right time, because I’m making it so.

So, perhaps right now really is too hectic and stress filled to dive in to a lifestyle program like the 21 day fix. Or, maybe it’s the perfect time. Exercise helps to relieve stress, it releases endorphins that can boost your mood and leave you feeling more energized.

If you really want to see change happen in your life starting NOW;

If you can carve 30 minutes a day out of your schedule (maybe drop a TV show, or shave 15 minutes off of a few other activities each day);

If you can commit to being thoughtful about your eating habits and spending as little as 3 hours a week pre-prepping your meals (not mandatory, but super helpful- especially later when you can grab prepared meals all week and gain back extra time in the evenings. Perfect for leaving extra time to workout!);

If you want to stop lamenting the state you’re in and start taking action;

Than now is the perfect time to start.

How can you get started?

The 21 Day Fix is on sale until the end of November! Don’t miss this opportunity to get started with all the tools you need for success: an easy to learn meal plan, 30 minute daily workouts, 30 day supply of Shakeology (the super-food nutrient packed protein powder), 30 day access to streaming tons of workouts on Beachbody onDemand, and a motivational coach and private online accountability group.

I can work with you to track your time management to find time for your workouts. I can help you strategize your meals so that you can stick with the plan. I want to see you succeed.

Send me a message or comment below with a way to get in touch so we can get you started right away.